When is Whole Grain Flour Less Wholesome?

Published on 25th February 2013

By Leila El-Dean

Most people want to use whole grain flour when they set out to make a healthier, more nutritious loaf in their bread maker. However, when it comes to buying your flour this can be easier said than done. Is whole wheat the same stuff as wholemeal? What does stone ground actually mean and is it important? In this article, all will be explained.

What is Whole Wheat Flour?

You might be wondering if whole wheat is the same as whole grain. The answer is yes! Wheat is a type of grain and is marketed as whole wheat when it retains every part of the grain. That is to say, the flour contains the bran, germ and endosperm.

whole wheat flour

Whole wheat flour contains bran, germ and endosperm (image source: trashcore)

Whole wheat loaves will be denser and more filling and will have a slightly richer flavour than their wheat flour counterparts. This is because wheat flour is processed so that the bran and germ are removed.

What is Wholemeal Flour?

You can rest assured that wholemeal is just another word for whole wheat! Flour labelled wholemeal is whole grain.

Stone Ground Flour

The controversy arises when it comes to stone ground flour. Here, whole grain is ground between two horizontal round millstones. In its whole state grain contains a perfect natural balance of starch, protein, vitamins, and fibre. When this method is used this delicate balance is better retained.

stone ground flour

Stone grinding retains the nautural balance of the minerals (image source: elsie)

If wholemeal flour is stone ground this will be stated on the packaging, otherwise, it will be roller milled. Here the whole grain is refined so that the nutritious bran and germ fall away, leaving only the starchy endosperm. The good parts are then put back.

So Why Does This Matter?

You might ask, what is the big deal here? Indeed, roller milled flour is still packing all of the germ, bran and endosperm. They put the good stuff back don't they? Aside from its superior subtle nutty flavour, there is simply more nutrition in stone milled flour. Excessive heat is generated by roller mills which damages the germ so that many vitamins are destroyed. This means less B vitamins, vitamin E and fewer minerals. Also, stone-milled flour was found to be higher in thiamin, compared to roller-milled flour, especially when from hard wheat.

The truth is, some whole wheat flour really is holier than others! Be sure to check the packaging when you buy flour for your bread maker. Always remember: Whole grain is inferior reconstituted whole grain unless it has been stone ground.

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